Sarah Palin seems to have learned quite well the lesson of Framing the Sixties: The Use and Abuse of a Decade From Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush, which is to blame the 1960s for our problems. In a speech at the Reagan Ranch Center, Palin said that “Reagan saw the dangers in L.B.J.’s Great Society. He refused to sit down and be silent as our liberties were eroded by an out-of-control centralized government that overtaxed and overreached in utter disregard of constitutional limits.” As I show in my book, Democrats are in no mood to embrace L.B.J., but that has not stopped Republicans from linking them with the saddle of L.B.J.’s so-called “Bad Sixties.” Palin’s recent remarks are just another indicator that sixties-bashing shows no signs of waning. While Obama would prefer to be compared to J.F.K., he can’t escape being called another L.B.J. by the Right.